Training and evaluating lenses#

In this section, we will discuss some of the technical details of training and evaluating your own lenses. First, we will briefly discuss single GPU training and evaluation. Then we will dive into some of the more technical aspects of training a model.

Downloading the Dataset#

Before we can start training, we will need to set up our dataset. The experiments in the paper were run on the pythia models by training thus we train our lenses on the validation set of the pile. Let’s first go ahead and download the validation and test splits of the pile.

unzstd val.jsonl.zst
unzstd test.jsonl.zst

Training a Lens#

This command will train a tuned lens on with the default hyperparameters. The model will be automatically downloaded from the Hugging Face Hub and cached locally. You can adjust the per GPU batch size to maximize your GPU utilization.

python -m tuned_lens train \ EleutherAI/pythia-160m-deduped \ val.jsonl \
     --per_gpu_batch_size=1 \
     --output my_lenses/EleutherAI/pythia-160m-deduped

Once training is completed, this should save the trained lens to the trained-lenses/pythia-160m-deduped directory.

Evaluating a Lens#

Once you have a lens trained, either by training it yourself, or by loading it from the hub, you can run various evaluations on it using the provided evaluation command.

python -m tuned_lens eval \ test.jsonl \ EleutherAI/pythia-160m-deduped \
     --tokens 16400000 \
     --lens_name my_lenses/EleutherAI/pythia-160m-deduped \
     --output evaluation/EleutherAI/pythia-160m-deduped

Distributed Data Parallel Multi-GPU Training#

You can also use torch elastic launch to do multi-GPU training. This will default to doing distributed data parallel training for the lens. Note that this still requires the transformer model itself to fit on a single GPU. However, since we are almost always using some form of gradient accumulation, this usually still speeds up training significantly.

torchrun \
--standalone \
--nnodes=1 \
--nproc-per-node=<num_gpus> \
-m tuned_lens train \ EleutherAI/pythia-160m-deduped \ val.jsonl \
--per_gpu_batch_size=1 \
--output my_lenses/EleutherAI/pythia-160m-deduped

Fully Sharded Data Parallel Multi-GPU Training#

If the transformer model does not fit on a single GPU, you can also use fully sharded data parallel training. Note that the lens is still trained using DDP, only the transformer itself is sharded. To enable this, you can pass the –fsdp flag.

torchrun \
--standalone \
--nnodes=1 \
--nproc-per-node=<num_gpus> \
-m tuned_lens train \ EleutherAI/pythia-160m-deduped \ val.jsonl \
--per_gpu_batch_size=1 \
--output my_lenses/EleutherAI/pythia-160m-deduped \

You can also use cpu offloading to train lenses on very large models while using less VRAM it can be enabled with the --cpu_offload flag. However, this substantially slows down training and is still experimental.

Checkpoint Resume#

If you are running on a cluster with preemption you may want to be able to run a run with checkpoint resume. This can be enabled by passing the –checkpoint_freq flag with a number of steps between checkpoints. By default checkpoints are saved to <output>/checkpoints this can be overridden with the --checkpoint_dir flag. There is a known issue with combining this with the zero optimizer, see [this issue](

If checkpoints are present in the checkpoints dir, the trainer will automatically resume from the latest one.

Loading the Model Weights in int8#

The –precision int8 flag can be used to load the model’s weights in a quantized int8 format. The bitsandbytes library must be installed for this to work. This should reduce VRAM usage by roughly a factor of two relative to float16 precision. Unfortunately, this option cannot be combined with –fsdp or –cpu_offload.

Weights & Biases Logging#

To enable logging to wandb, you can pass the --wandb <name-of-run> flag. This will log the training and evaluation metrics to wandb. You will need to set the WANDB_API_KEY, WANDB_ENTITY and WANDB_PROJECT environment variables in your environment. You can find your API key on your wandb profile page. To make this easy, you can create a .env file in the root of the project with the following contents.

# .env
WANDB_API_KEY= # your-api-key
WANDB_ENTITY= # your-entity
WANDB_PROJECT= # your-project-name

Then you can source it when you start your shell by running source .env. For additional wandb environment variables, see here.

Uploading to the Hub#

Once you have trained a lens for a new model if you are feeling generous you can upload it to our hugging face hub space and share it with the world.

To do this first create a pull request on the community tab.

Follow the commands to clone the repo and checkout your pr branch.


Hugging face hub uses git-lfs to store large files. As a result you should generally work with GIT_LFS_SKIP_SMUDGE=1 set when running git clone and git checkout commands.

Once you have checked out your branch you’re branch copy the config.json and produced by the training run to lens/<model-name> in the repo. Then add and commit the changes.


You shouldn’t have to use GIT_LFS_SKIP_SMUDGE=1 when adding and committing files.

Finally, in your pr description include the following information: * The model name * The dataset used to train the lens * The training command used to train the lens * And ideally, a link to the wandb run

We will review your pr and merge you’re lens into the space. Thank you for contributing!